Saturday, 19 March 2016

Intermediate students (and Mrs Cringle!)

What do you think of our school uniform?


  1. Kia Orana Mrs Cringle and the intermediate girls of Villa Maria College! We are looking forward to communicating with you, sharing photos and stories, kia Manuia, Miss the way you look great in your uniforms!

  2. Kia orana, hi my name is Isabella Christian. I am a student of Araura College. I am in year 10. We have been writing personal reading responses in English and I have gotten to enjoy it. There are about 200 students attending my school. our uniform is very simple, for girls we wear a red skirt and a white blouse and the boys wear grey shorts and a white blouse. Also we have red school jackets for windy days. For sports we wear black shorts and blue polo t-shirts. I would really like to know more about your school and hope to make friends with the students attending Villa Maria College.
